Thursday, January 22, 2009

TNT- dynOmite

I think I'll take 2 dozen!

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

it's still rock-n-roll to me

I got a fancy new ipod for Christmas last year and hardly ever used it so I gave it to Brennen and took his old one which he inherited from Jake. The only music I have on it is my new twilight cd that Brennen loaded on for me. I need more tunes and must wait until Brennen is bored so I can give him some more cd's. It's not that I can't figure it out it's that I don't want to take the time. Is this a sign I'm getting old?

Tuesday, January 6, 2009


I got all my Christmas taken down today. Yeah!!! I've decided that although I love my Christmas decorations, especially my tree, it feels so nice to get it all down and go back to a simpler decor. Everything looks so clean and fresh and somethings just don't make it back out. I was planning on doing it yesterday but had to sit still all morning due to an oops with my insulin. It took me all day today but I did it. Yeah!!!

Friday, January 2, 2009

How many days till Christmas?

I'm thinking about cleaning up my Christmas today while I have helpers. I may wait until Monday.
I did think this was funny though.
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