Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Here comes Santa Clause...

...in his HELICOPTER!!!

Dillon got to go to his dad's Christmas office party and Santa Clause was also invited!!! He showed up in his helicopter!!! He handed all the kids presents and then anyone who wanted got to go on a helicopter ride over the strip. WAY COOL!
I asked Dillon so did you think that Santa was going to give you a present and he responded, "at first I didn't think he was the real Santa I thought the parents brought the presents and then he called my name and I knew he was real because you didn't bring a present."
So of course I had to ask, "did he smell like beef and cheese?" "No," Dillon said excitedly, "He smelled like peppermint!"
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Wednesday, December 3, 2008

twilight & turkey

Thanksgiving night the girls + John (the photographer) headed to the movie theater to see Twilight. Thankfully there was a show that wasn't sold out. (the one before ours and the one after was) Since we had an hour before the next showing they let us form a line. That's right we were the first in line so we took some photos getting our vampire on.

We had so much fun and I LOVED IT! It might have been because we were in George and when Edward walked in we all woo-ed (Emmy & I woo-ed extra loud). When Bella walked into the Biology class we all laughed and also @ the spider-monkey comment.
All the negative stuff I read about it made me love it more. I loved the low budget feel of it and by the end I was sold on Edward, Bella, Charlie, Esme, loved Jasper and Alice, thought Emmett was perfect, even started to see why they picked that Rosalie, and forgot all about all the powder they used on Carlisle. Loved it so much that michelle, megan, and I went again on monday and than I have to admit I got the book out yesterday and read the whole thing in one day. (I hardly ever read the same book twice)
Can't wait till it comes out on video, or if anyone wants to go again I'm game.

I also had a great Thanksgiving it was fun to see everyone and thanks mom and dad for the sweet condos!!!