Tuesday, January 6, 2009


I got all my Christmas taken down today. Yeah!!! I've decided that although I love my Christmas decorations, especially my tree, it feels so nice to get it all down and go back to a simpler decor. Everything looks so clean and fresh and somethings just don't make it back out. I was planning on doing it yesterday but had to sit still all morning due to an oops with my insulin. It took me all day today but I did it. Yeah!!!


Babs said...

Yay! Now you can come over to my place :)

Chellie said...

I completely know how you feel... I think I used the same words, "clean and fresh" to describe my house after putting it all away.

Happy New Year!

Brynn said...

I totally agree too. I always love getting it all out and the feeling of the warmth of the lights, but when I put it away I love the openess too and the feeling of the house being really clean. That's weird how that works.
How are you? Haven't seen you for so long. Happy new year.
And no more insulin mistakes girl. Bad, Bad!!

MiandMiksmom said...

I was taking mine down yesterday too. I was sad...but after getting it all down and cleaning my floors for the first time in a really, really long time (I took December "off"), my house definitely seemed clean, but not quite as homey.

Amy said...

I came here looking for pictures of your groceries from yesterday. Where are they? :)

Nan said...

I love not putting everything back out. I get to de-junk that way.