Tuesday, September 30, 2008

i'll huff and puff

So I decided if Brennen is going to join the track team we need to get him in shape. Sooo I made him go out running with me. Only I could only run-well, not so far until I was pooped! So we walked at a brisk speed the rest of the way and I was the only one out of breath. What was I thinking 15 yr old boy, 30 something mom. Yeah, I'll be rethinking this one. We did have a nice talk though.


Chellie said...

Way to show him Robin... or not. :)

Amy said...

You did great! And you'll run twice as far today so don't worry about it! Sounds like it was positive for Brennen. Don't ask Ashley about the time I tried to take her running (I'll let her save that for her therapist someday :)

Nan said...

That is so freakin' funny. I use to tell Emily she couldn't keep up with me and made her ride the scooter but teenagers have a whole lot more guff than we think.

What are Brennen's events going to be? Tell him to take after his Aunt Nan and do the high jump w/ a few sprints. Track is sweet! The best sport ever!

MiandMiksmom said...

Do you watch Desperate Housewives? Last week Gabriella made her daughter run after her car...she would stop until the daughter caught up and then take off again...that sounds more fun.

Clanturner said...

That is great he kept up with you. I can't beleive how out of shape kids are these days. Danielle had to run 1 mile and so I decided to run with her. I was in sandles and she was bawling the entire way that she was too tired and I needed to slow down. I about died. Here I am 35, 50 lbs over weight and kicking my 10 year old's butt on the track. That is sad! My kids ride their bikes to school and I run behind them, and they always stop and wait for me at the stop signs yelling, "come on mom, you slow poke" - whatever - they are on bikes and I am running pushing a stroller with a dog. What bunch of whimps!

Deck the Halls said...

Way to go!!!!!!!!!! So have ya thought about running any marathons?!? I haven't blogged for a long time so it good to see everyone families again. Now that Josh is in the bishopric I have lots of spare time. I read Christy's blog we should have called you. Time Out for Women is in St. George next Nov. We should get everyone together.