Tuesday, March 24, 2009

track break

to the T to the R to the A to the C to the K to the B to the R to the E to the A to the K come on everybody grab your bikes and sing along...(or something like that)

We have track break for the next two weeks then Spring Break. Track break isn't what it use to be when I would load up the car and head to Utah. This year it's just Dillon. I still have to get up in the morning and take the other boys to school. I know "wtc" kinda takes the fun out of it. I've decided that I'm not going to let this one slip away with a whole lot of tv watching and video game playing so.....what to do? Kinda wishing he was a little more into shopping. We already did Target and Taco Bell on day one and one day is going to be devoted to cleaning out his room. So I'm open for any suggestions for the other 12 days. He does need to learn how to ride his bike...


The Roe Family said...


Johnsons & Johnsons said...

Laps and Laughs were fun! Until next Tuesday! Your totally running next week!