Thursday, April 23, 2009

happy birthday to one "green" mom

It was my mom's birthday yesterday. When Dillon came home from school he said mom guess what today is? I said- Grandma's birthday and he responded with- cool it's also earth day.

What a coincidence my mom was saving the planet before Al Gore even thought about how to make a butt-load of money off of it. My mom was recycling by loading the trunk of her car up with newspaper and plastic and driving down to the library to drop it off. We grew up reusing and recycling. However, I have to say that I'm a little lazy and don't do my part but if my mom's in town you know she's pulling cardboard out of my garbage and recycling it for me.

Happy Birthday Mom!!!


Nan said...

Very nice Robin! I think I recycle just because I'm cheap.

M said...

Right on Sister! Who else has a Mom that folds up the tinfoil from baked potatoes and keeps it on top of the microwave until the next baked potatoe night? Judi, Judi, Judi! (chanting)
