Wednesday, August 27, 2008

summer dreams ripped at the seams (or back to school)

Summer is over and I decided we needed to go out with a bang! So we took off Friday night and headed to Disneyland and didn't get home until 3 in the morning on Sunday. So when school started Monday morning we were not so prepared. We made it there on time but no pictures and I actually pulled up to the fence and before kicking him to the curb told Dillon there is no way I will find a parking spot and make it to the playground before the bell rang so I love you and have fun and if you can't find Sadie after school don't walk alone wait inside the fence. Yes, Dillon is soloing it at Elementary this year. Caden moved up to Junior High and they won't be together again until Dillon's freshman year when Caden is a senior!! WhAt!!! Brennen is a sophmore so Monday morning went smoothly for him. Caden and Dustin had each other so they were fine. And I came home and thought nice- alone at last, but kept hearing noises in the house all day.
Monday at 4:00 I ran to do some quick little inactive birthday visits ran into some drama and didn't get home until 9:00 that night. Of course when I got home I realized that Dillon hadn't done his homework so the 2nd day of school Dillon and Caden are doing homework during breakfast and we are headed out the door for school later than the day before. As I'm driving to school laying out the law like you guys need to get up, get ready, no laying on the floor crying, no waiting to finish homework during breakfast, nag, nag, nag. Dillon pipes in, well maybe if you weren't so rude we could leave sooner. Whatever Dillon, as I send him through the tardy door.
They did do better this morning they woke up on their own and we made it to school on time. YEAH!!! Still no pictures but we did have fun at Disneyland.


Suz EQ said...

Sweet Robyn!!! It is so funny to read your blog because I can so picture you saying all this to your kids. Good thing you have boys. They are much tougher than girls. I can't believe your boys are so old. Time flies.

Nan said...

So what was the noise in the house the first day? I thought you were going to say a kid was still home. Only the Marshalls would stay out until 3 am the night before the first day of school. Oh, how would it be to be as laid back as you.

Poor Dillon, all alone! That is amazing they won't be together for so long.

robin said...

We got home Sunday morning not Monday morning. Brennen had a talk on Sunday.

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