They won't know what hit them!!!
Ok it was suppose to say
"Warm springs stake valentine dance here we come!! Groovy" not sit back and enjoy the ride.
What's his name? Jake
How long have you been together? 17 yrs.
(does that make me sound old?)
How long did you date? 8 months
How old is he? 35
Who eats more? Jake!!!
Who said I love you first? I'm pretty sure it was Jake.
Who is taller? Jake, but barely. The whole hair thing throws it off. (I can't get too poofy, guess that means we better not be moving to Utah (;
Who is smarter? I will have to say Jake if you count being smarter in the traditional way. However, I've always considered myself pretty smart in an out of the box kind of way. If we were to take an IQ test he would win hands down.
Who does laundry? I do. Jake is not above it and does do a load here and there. Kids put away their own cloths though, or they are suppose to. I think they all have laundry baskets full of clean cloths from last sat. OK I'll be honest so do I.
Who does the dishes? I do. Jake will always help if he's around and does do his fair share.
Who sleeps on the right side of the bed? That would be me due to Jake has a bad shoulder and can only sleep on the left.
Who pays the bills? That would be me again Jake has never and I'm sure will never take over this job. I've tried to talk him into it but ignorance is bliss. Not even sure he even checks our bank account.
Who mows the lawn? Jake or one of the boys, mostly Caden.
Who cooks dinner? It all depends on what we eat and how I'm feeling. I usually cook but Jake comes through more than I would like to admit. Not even sure who is better we both have our specialties.
Who drives when you are together? Jake, it's his personality, sometimes I sneak in behind the wheel. But honestly I like chillin' in the passenger seat.
Who is more stubborn? That would be me.
Who kissed who first? Jake? I think it was a mutual thing.
Who asked out who first? Jake
Who proposed? Jake, in the park right after we picked out the ring.
Who has more siblings? most definitely me. I have him by 7 brothers. We both have 2 sisters.
Who wears the pants in the family? I say Jake. I'm sure he would say me.