Saturday, January 19, 2008

my caucus

Voted in our caucus today. Had a great time, most of the people in the room were ward members. The precinct went for Romney and I got voted in to be one of the delegates. Yeah!!!! It was fun but kinda like voting in Utah. Actually the democratic caucus sounded a little bit more exciting. Our only excitement was when the Huckabee supporter got up with her bible and told us that Jesus was for Huckabee so all Christians should vote likewise. Uncomfortable...I wanted to say something but being a good Christian I didn't. You could tell that it was heart felt and she really meant it. But seriously if Huckabee is to win I couldn't vote for him. (that's why I'm for Obama on the other side) Who wants someone in the White House who hates your religion? Sad that Hillary won but loved all the drama going on on the democrat side and not just because I'm republican. It was good stuff!!! Bill was accusing Obama supporters of not allow Hillary voters to vote and everything. I decided it's not as fun for them when the unions aren't on their sides. As a republican you have to deal with the unions tactics every election, they are a major pain in the rear. I have to say I love the elections and love to be a part of it.



MiandMiksmom said...

Oh, I totally agree. AND, I'll go a step further...I just announced to all my Southern Republican friends that IF Huckabee wins the nomination and Hillary beats out Obama, then I'm voting for Hillary....and guess what? I'm not kidding!

Oh, and on a side-note, seriously these Southern Baptists around here are totally sick of Huckabee bashing the Mormon faith...and they don't like Mormons much.

I hope voting here is so exciting. I want to get interviewed after my vote, BAD. I will totally let everyone know how I feel.

Go Romney!

M said...

I'm very impressed that you went out and caucused. Good for you! And I love the story about the lady with the bible.

Sarah said...

it was a lot of fun wasnt' it robin! I was glad we had everyone show up that did. It went well. What about the guy who said that Ron Paul should win beccause he was a GYNECOLOGIST!!!!!seriously? what does that have to do with being a president? lol.

Chellie said...

That was funny what Sarah said! I'm all for Ron Paul--hands down-- he has a lot of great capitalist views... however, his nomination for the party seems unlikely. Hopefully, Romney gets it over McCain though!

Tauna said...

I think that's awesome that your getting so involved- Sounds like you were very entertained!!