Wednesday, January 30, 2008

get your groove on

After a couple of lessons from Ryan and Megan, and a lot of practice, Jake and I are finally ready for our stakes Valentine Dance.
They won't know what hit them!!!

Don't send a lame Starring You! eCard. Try JibJab Sendables!

Ok it was suppose to say
"Warm springs stake valentine dance here we come!! Groovy"


Chellie said...

Wow Robin, you are really good! A few months ago I posted the Dame and I doing a similar dance... so you have some tough competition. :)

Amy said...

Sweet moves! I can't wait to see them in person--the outfits too!
:), Amy

Brynn said...

Cute!! Hey thanks for the b-day wish to Steve. He loves those kids.

Clanturner said...

Oh MY HECK!!! That was hilarious. I laughed my butt off. Jake looks the part way too well. I can totally see you guys doing that. Too funny! Thanks for the laugh.

Nan said...

See how cute you look w/ short hair! You should chop chop! Christy has a funny one on her blog right now w/ all her kids. So cute!
I don't know if they'll let you into a stake dance in that oufit though but you could try.

M said...

I didn't think it could get any funnier than when Ryan was in it. Seriously, Jake takes the cake. Hilarious.
And your bob is quite smashing Robin.

The Roe Family said...

nice! so are you gonna go buy a prom dress for the dance? i am a strapless one.

chris jenkins said...

oh my! me and the kids just watched the video - we totally have a whole new perception of the marshalls - you two can share shake it.

wish i was going to dance to see - i have never been. oh well. maybe you can have someone video and put it up on youtube.

that would be cool!

MiandMiksmom said...

I always knew you had it in you. That will go over really well at the Stake Dance...Go Robin Go!!! :)

Roger That said...

LOVED THE CLIP!! You are an amazing dancer and has Jake been hitting the casinos to learn his moved?