Tuesday, March 4, 2008

life in the hood

-k- last friday I pick Brennen up from school and he tells me that he called his friend, who goes to another high school, during lunch to see if he could get him in trouble. He was surprised when he answered the phone and said that he left half day because someone had posted something on myspace that they were taking a gun to school. Of course Brennen was bugged because nothing exciting ever happens at his school. Then I pick Dustin up at the junior high and there are at least 3 different police cars circling, not pulling anyone over. Then Dustin tells me that there was hardly anyone in his 6th period class because someone had heard that after they finished shooting at the high school they were heading over to the junior high. I was like nice, why didn't I know all of this was going on and good thing my boys have bullet proof iron in their blood. Turned out it was just some kids wanting a longer weekend. (You should have heard the teenage girl version I got on the way to swimming, one of her friend's boyfriend's sister's boyfriend's friend's cousin was one of the boys who was arrested, it was good stuff.) But then today after school I was talking to my friend who is a counselor at the junior high and I was like "what's going on?" And he told me that as he left school today he heard that they had just shutdown Liberty (the "exciting" high school) because of a threat of gun violence. What's a mom to do?!?!

On a lighter note I did get a little spring cleaning done last week. I cleaned out my pantry, then on to the hall closet (you should have seen the load I took to the salvation army) and last friday I cleaned out Brennen's closet (you should have seen the load I took out to the garbage! he is such a pack rat). Now onto the back yard!!! CHARGE!!!!


MiandMiksmom said...

Seriously, I'd be freaking out! Amelia told me that they had a code blue (I think, but I get the colors mixed up) which means that someone has entered the school armed. Then she told me how they hid under their desks, etc. etc. However, it was a code red which just meant that an ambulance was called for a kid that choked, but I was totally freaking out.

See, I not only get the "girl version" but I get the KINDERGARTNER GIRL VERSION!!!!

M said...

It's bad because some kids do this just to get out of school. So when the alarm is real, many people won't take it seriously. I'm glad those boys are safe.

Nan said...

Funny Chaun. I get the 6th grade version of everything and then the real version comes home from Alicia.

East High had a shut down yesterday b/c of a guy w/ a gun. He tried to get a girl to come w/ him but when she wouldn't he flashed a gun at her. She ran and all was safe. But it is happening more and more.

When we were at USU a guy from our trailer park called in a bomb. He is married and in his twenties. He just wasn't prepared for a test. They traced the phone number right to his trailer. It reminds me of Jerry Hansen w/ Winchells donuts.

Tauna said...

holy cow! As a mom what do you do. I would be freaking out. It's for that reason right there that I want to home school. J.K!!

you are awesome! way to spring clean. Your motivating me. Hey at least it was great weather here today. I could at least go outside without a jacket.

hey, remember the skirt you gave me? Well I absolutely love it. It is super cute. It is now my favorite. so thanks again! I'm still trying to figure out what to wear under the shirt. any ideas?