Tuesday, April 29, 2008

i'm off

I'm headed to Women's Conference tomorrow. Hope the boys survive without me :) Jake's mom is headed to help out for a couple of days so I'm sure they will be fine. If anyone happens to see Brennen making the long trek home from school with his 50 lb. backpack feel free to offer him a ride. I'll post our adventures when I get home!
I'll miss Jake's birthday on Sat :( but to get me back he'll be in Mexico fishing on mother's day. (It helps with the guilt)


Johnsons & Johnsons said...

Have fun! Tell Brennon good job! Camille

Chellie said...

Have fun! Wish I was going!

Babs said...

Have fun!

MiandMiksmom said...

Y'all are going to have a blast! I can't wait to hear about it. That is so cool that all the sisters and sisters-in law get together...how fun!

MiandMiksmom said...

Y'all are going to have a blast! I can't wait to hear about it. That is so cool that all the sisters and sisters-in law get together...how fun!

Nan said...

Oh ya it was fun! I think we are all too exhausted to tell about it yet.

Deck the Halls said...

Have fun! I'm alittle slow on the blogging, but it was good to see you at easter, are you guys coming up to Utah this summer?