Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Here comes Santa Clause...

...in his HELICOPTER!!!

Dillon got to go to his dad's Christmas office party and Santa Clause was also invited!!! He showed up in his helicopter!!! He handed all the kids presents and then anyone who wanted got to go on a helicopter ride over the strip. WAY COOL!
I asked Dillon so did you think that Santa was going to give you a present and he responded, "at first I didn't think he was the real Santa I thought the parents brought the presents and then he called my name and I knew he was real because you didn't bring a present."
So of course I had to ask, "did he smell like beef and cheese?" "No," Dillon said excitedly, "He smelled like peppermint!"
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Wednesday, December 3, 2008

twilight & turkey

Thanksgiving night the girls + John (the photographer) headed to the movie theater to see Twilight. Thankfully there was a show that wasn't sold out. (the one before ours and the one after was) Since we had an hour before the next showing they let us form a line. That's right we were the first in line so we took some photos getting our vampire on.

We had so much fun and I LOVED IT! It might have been because we were in George and when Edward walked in we all woo-ed (Emmy & I woo-ed extra loud). When Bella walked into the Biology class we all laughed and also @ the spider-monkey comment.
All the negative stuff I read about it made me love it more. I loved the low budget feel of it and by the end I was sold on Edward, Bella, Charlie, Esme, loved Jasper and Alice, thought Emmett was perfect, even started to see why they picked that Rosalie, and forgot all about all the powder they used on Carlisle. Loved it so much that michelle, megan, and I went again on monday and than I have to admit I got the book out yesterday and read the whole thing in one day. (I hardly ever read the same book twice)
Can't wait till it comes out on video, or if anyone wants to go again I'm game.

I also had a great Thanksgiving it was fun to see everyone and thanks mom and dad for the sweet condos!!!

Friday, November 21, 2008

what happens in Vegas i will post

My friend Missy from highschool is in town. YEAH!! So last night we went to the show blue men. Had a great time her husband even got to be part of the show. Somewhere there may be a giant canvas of his body imprint in blue. (although my guess is they washed it off for the next show.)
Anyways after the show we grabbed some dinner and began to walk around. That is when we spotted her. A girl passes by and we all are thinking what the crap because she appears to be completely topless from the back. So of course my first impulse is to take pursuit I had to see what she was wearing. As we followed, and this girl was booking it, we noticed she left a wake as people stopped and turned in unbelief. Just like a speedboat making it's way through water. As we rounded the corner we saw she had been headed for the nightclub but we lost her. Then we spot her at the entrance so we hurry over and I catch a glimps of what looks like a scarf wrapped around each breast. My curiosity not satisfied I turn to the bouncer and ask "what was she wearing?" His response was "I don't know but it's a little early for that to come out." so of course I had to ask "was she using double stick tape?" he chuckled and told me that would require some further investigation. So I told him to keep me posted to which he responded that it was a first for him too. We left and this morning I'm still wondering...it had to be double stick tape and a lot of it!

Monday, November 17, 2008

calling all lazy kids

Just following up on my last post.
My kids had way too much candy! They weighed it! We still have a lot left so if you know any lazy kids out there...well send them on over! (especially if they like dum dum's and nestle crunch)

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Tuesday, October 28, 2008

tee hee hee

Just a little halloween laugh! I'm sure we all can laugh at this one.

Saturday, October 18, 2008

where's the truth?

I've been waiting for this story to break in the media. Now I know that it won't. Pretty scarry to think where this country is headed. http://ldsmag.com/ideas/081017light.html

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

i'll huff and puff

So I decided if Brennen is going to join the track team we need to get him in shape. Sooo I made him go out running with me. Only I could only run-well, not so far until I was pooped! So we walked at a brisk speed the rest of the way and I was the only one out of breath. What was I thinking 15 yr old boy, 30 something mom. Yeah, I'll be rethinking this one. We did have a nice talk though.

Monday, September 22, 2008

dillon's turn

Birthday season has came to a close and we celebrated it with a bang!

Dillon turned 9 last Sat. Can we get another woot! woot!
The day started with a Dillon running into my room first thing and stating "It's Saturday mom" and I said "yes it is Dillon" trying to think fast what he was getting at but before my mind could even get started he stated, "It's my Birthday!" So I started singing and the day went like this...
  • 8:30 leave for Dillon's soccer game which started @9:15
  • 10:05 get the call from Jake that I have Caden's player card that he needs for his football game that starts @ 11:00 so miss the end of the game and send Dillon home with a friend
  • 10:30 get to the football field, watch them warm up and catch the first half of the football game
  • 12:00 leave the football game and get to the swim meet in plenty of time to watch Dustin swim in all four of his events. He qualified for state in two events! It was a good swim day for Dustin.
  • 4:30 leave the swim meet and head home for the bowling party. I let Dillon, Caden and Dustin invite a couple of friends and we took them all bowling @ 5:30.
  • 8:30 party was pretty much over and I was spent! What a day!!!

Getting three birthday parties over in one night...this may be the start of one of those tradition things.
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Tuesday, September 16, 2008

caden is 12...can I get a woot woot!

Caden turned 12 today!!! Can you believe it? No more pimary, although he has agreed to be in the program next Sunday (he isn't a deacon until they set him apart after sacrament meeting). He also says he's going to the articles of faith sundae bar. He's looking forward to loading up his ice cream with all 13 toppings. YUMMY!

The cute little cake topping is actually a gift card from Target so he had to lick it clean!!!

Caden has started football and is really liking it. His dad gave him his old highschool football jersey to practice in. His first game is this Saturday. Go Caden!!!

Caden is such a responsible boy! He's a really good example to all his friends and I'm so lucky that he is mine!!! (all mine, at least for now)
I love you Caden hope you had a great day.
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Wednesday, September 10, 2008

why me?

I have jury duty today, again. I am not looking forward to it. We have to go all the way down to freemont street, park in a garage blocks away and walk to the court house. And on top of all that OJ is on trial so I'm sure there is going to be a mess down there. Maybe I should put on my halloween costume and just fit right in. Look for me on the news channels!

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

icky tv

Did anyone watch America's Next Top Model? I started to and then deleted it and went ahead and deleted it off of my dvr. Seriously talk about Sodem and Gomorrah!!! I hope the little girl from Alaska is strong enough to make it out of there in one piece. What is Tyra thinking? great role model for girls, my opinion of her plummeted to nothing. If you didn't catch it don't! It was seriously that bad.

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

what's wrong with your mom??

This morning was Brennen's first day of seminary and he never got the call to let him know who his teacher will be. As we were speculating I threw out what if they ask me to be your teacher? He basically let me know I would be better than Chuck Norris, Chucky or the bride of Chucky, and Barney the purple dinosaur. Should I be offended?

summer dreams ripped at the seams (or back to school)

Summer is over and I decided we needed to go out with a bang! So we took off Friday night and headed to Disneyland and didn't get home until 3 in the morning on Sunday. So when school started Monday morning we were not so prepared. We made it there on time but no pictures and I actually pulled up to the fence and before kicking him to the curb told Dillon there is no way I will find a parking spot and make it to the playground before the bell rang so I love you and have fun and if you can't find Sadie after school don't walk alone wait inside the fence. Yes, Dillon is soloing it at Elementary this year. Caden moved up to Junior High and they won't be together again until Dillon's freshman year when Caden is a senior!! WhAt!!! Brennen is a sophmore so Monday morning went smoothly for him. Caden and Dustin had each other so they were fine. And I came home and thought nice- alone at last, but kept hearing noises in the house all day.
Monday at 4:00 I ran to do some quick little inactive birthday visits ran into some drama and didn't get home until 9:00 that night. Of course when I got home I realized that Dillon hadn't done his homework so the 2nd day of school Dillon and Caden are doing homework during breakfast and we are headed out the door for school later than the day before. As I'm driving to school laying out the law like you guys need to get up, get ready, no laying on the floor crying, no waiting to finish homework during breakfast, nag, nag, nag. Dillon pipes in, well maybe if you weren't so rude we could leave sooner. Whatever Dillon, as I send him through the tardy door.
They did do better this morning they woke up on their own and we made it to school on time. YEAH!!! Still no pictures but we did have fun at Disneyland.

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Dustin turned 14!!!

It was Dustin's birthday on the 10th and true to form all his friends were out of town so we are still waiting on the bowling party. But that doesn't mean that we didn't celebrate in our own little way. Jake, Brennen and Caden were out of town so we invited Uncle Mike and Aunt Michelle and went out to dinner @ Outback. (Dustin's fav)

Why do you look forward to your 14th b-day? So you can get a dance card and go dance with the ladies. Dustin's doesn't currently have possession of a dance card but who needs it. He already went to two dances @ EFY. Thanks to Aunt Tauna I have pictures...

Dancing with a cutie and then dancing with his Aunt Tauna...(there were a lot of boys with crushes on Aunt Tauna but she only dances with a lucky few, right Tauna?)

He is such a good (and handsome) boy and I'm lucky to be his mom.


Tuesday, August 5, 2008

utah and the class of 88 reunites (@ least the important people do)

We had a great time in UTAH!!! I was gone for 2 1/2 weeks so we did a ton but I'm going to try to recap it with some picts.

We partied it up while in Utah.

We hit the "This is the Place" park...
We had 17 cousins there!? Don't ask me where the others were but we did leave with all 17.

Then the boys (yes they let Dustin go at the last minute) and their cousin Jessica from Indiana all attended EFY at USU. Uncey John was the session director and they loved having him and Aunt Tauna there. It made them very popular. As it turned out Dustin didn't have a roommate and his room was right next door to the 16 & 17 yr. olds and they kept telling him to make sure his counselor knew he was there. I left him more than a little nervous. As it turned out he was fine he even made it into the variety show. He put his leg behind his head and stood up!!! I know, I had no idea he had such a talent.

This was the crew when we dropped them off. Emily (in the pink) is only 12 ): she didn't get to go this year but we are thinking she will squeeze in under the deadline next year, Dustin did the squeeze this year. The dark kid is Brennen's friend Adam.

We hit Lagoon hard! Some went twice, a lucky few went three times and the efy'rs went once. And this is the only picture I have...
Sitting at grandma's waiting for a ride to Lagoon. These are the lucky few who went 3 times minus Mathew plus Richie.

We had a lot of fun and then everyone left and it was just me waiting for the big reunion. Although I freaked out a little when I found out the dress was business casual and went and bought a new outfit. As it turns out Cache Valley's interpretation of business casual is a little different then here in Vegas and I could have worn the outfit I brought. (I orginally was following Chel's advise with the wide leg jeans) but hey, I got a new outfit! I had a lot of fun seeing everyone and I loved that it was at Sky View because it brought back some good memories. I even found my locker from my senior year. I had to laugh because when it came right down to it I just sat and laughed with my friends. Missy, Robyn (with a y) and we saw Erica at the park earlier that day. I hope that doesn't mean we are stuck up? Just a little self centered, right?

Anyways this was us then....
(Robyn, Robin, Missy & Erica)

and this is us now...
(Robin, Missy, Erica & Robyn)


I've added some other picts just for fun.

senior day @ Lagoon

graduation night (I think we were a little tired)

gotta love the jackets!

Sorry Erica I looked everywhere and couldn't find the senior picture we had taken that I promised I would post. I'll keep looking.
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Wednesday, July 16, 2008

new floors and a waxy kid

I know I haven't posted in awhile and this is why...

It was a lot of work but I'm so happy to get rid of my white carpet. Jake still has the stairs to do and the baseboards but it looks so good. I'm so happy!!!

On a side note Caden's class wrote reports on a great American and today they had "Mr. Skinner's House of Wax"

Caden did his report on Brigham Young and he looked awesome...

He's such a good little missionary.
And I'm extra proud because I spent zippo on the whole costume. (the beard is a mop) And yes that's a duplicate of a first edition Book of Mormon he has in his hand. Don't you all agree? He looked awesome!!!
I'm going to be out of town for the next couple of weeks. Brennen has EFY at USU next week and the following sat. is my class reunion. I know, What the CRap! But apparently it has been 20 years. I'd appreciate any input on what to wear. I'll let you know how it goes. Who knows maybe I'll even post on the road?

Monday, June 30, 2008

how dill and I roll

Last week Jake and the older boys were at scout camp so what did Dillon and I do?

Monday: Dillon had a choir concert. Uncey Bert was in town to watch and was impressed. (Dillon was posing not singing in this pict.)

Tuesday: pool party and pack meeting.

Wednesday: finished all homework and went miniture golfing.

Thursday: got home from school and headed to California baby!!! (with Michelle and Connor) arrived at Disneyland at 8:00 bought season passes and stayed till 11:00.

Friday: Disneyland all day long.

Saturday: hit the beach!!!

And that is how dill and I roll when the rest of the boys leave us.

Hopefully I'll post some picts of how the rest of the family spent the week.

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

analyze this

While Jake's parents and sister were visiting his mom makes the comment, "happy anniversery last week, did you do anything fun?" I think my exact words were "what the?!" as I ran and checked the calender. Sure enough it was last weds and we both totally forgot. Not that it's not the first time we flaked it but definately the first time an outside source had to remind us.
So what did we do last wed? Well there was a baptism and Jake asked if we were going and I said why don't you and Brennen just go I don't feel too well. (The night before I worked at the temple and impressed the lady with my pickle wrapping ability so she pulled me off dishes and had me scoop and wrap icecream.) Anyways back to my story, so neither of us went to the baptism and we sat and vegged and I'm guessing watched a little So You Think You Can Dance.

Happy Anniversery Jake!!!

Thursday, June 12, 2008

too much tv

I wasn't feeling great today so I watched a lot of t.v. It got me thinking of why I'm finding it so hard to jump on the I love Obama band wagon even for a second. The media totally wants me on board but there is just something about him that I can't trust.
First off I've heard all the blah-blah-blah that Hillary supporters have spread around and I'm not one to believe all I hear. I don't believe he hates America or any of that other stuff. (He has been wearing that flag pin lately)
So I've decided that perhaps it's because I was raised a conservative and have a hard time trusting liberals. Maybe?
Could it be his Pastor? or old Pastor, I don't understand who would go to church to get yelled at.
Or could it be because the media keeps comparing him to JFK. I have not been a JFK fan since I was in grade school studying history and my mom made a comment on how she didn't like him. He had affair after affair even having his two little "secrataries" in the White House. Then he had his "doctor" prescribing him drugs so he could handle all the big decisions he had. But I decided that my opinion of him was bias, I like my leaders to have morals, so I pulled out my president book to read up. It basically said he was young and attractive and the people loved him and his cute little family. He did handle the Cuban Missile Crisis. I'll give him that. He created the Peace Corp. and he helped out with civil rights but I really don't think he deserves much credit it was Martin Luther King that gets the credit.
So what do I think of when I hear that Obama is our JFK. I think, I wonder if Scarlett Johansson will be singing Happy Birthday Mr President at the White House anytime soon?

I do need to add a disclaimer I'm not saying that I believe that Obama is anything like JFK I'm just trying to figure out why I don't trust him.
I do have to say that McCain is looking better and better everyday and out of the two liberals I will most likely vote McCain.

Saturday, June 7, 2008

a little "ketchup"

I just need to post because you all were harshing my mellow over that last post. So I decided it's time for a little catch up.

Caden's team did really good in the TOC. They didn't have to play the first night so their first game was on Sat. They won, barely. They had to wait out the others team"s "ace" pitcher but caught up and passed them in the last inning. In the semi-final game it was the same thing we were up against their "ace" pitcher but couldn't over take them. ): All in all they did awesome. But the best part was that the TOC tournament was before the regular one so baseball ended sooner. YEAH!

Brennen and Dustin are out of school and the party is on full force. I think I'm going to kick them outside next week and make them get a tan.

Dillon and Caden had their first piano recital with Aunt Michelle Thurs. (Dillon's first ever) They both totally rocked, in my humble opinion, I think they were pretty much the best.

Just wanted to add a little shout out to Steve, just in case he found my blog. (;

Tuesday, June 3, 2008


So I get a phone call today, one of those unknown name unknown number calls. The man on the other end asks, "is Robin Marshall there?" This is her, I say. And then he introduces himself as Steve from the Washington State division of child support and lets it rip. Asking me why I haven't paid my child support for my seven year old son Nicholas. I was waiting for this call because he left me a message. I'm like dude you've got the wrong number and he insists No I don't! So I let him know that my youngest son is 8 and his name is Dillon. And he's like no his name is Nicholas and why haven't you paid your child support. So I'm starting to get a little upset I mean really this guy is calling me a liar. But the more I denied the more forcefull he got. So I took a deep breath and said, I'm not a liar what do I need to do to prove to you that I'm not the Robin Marshall your looking for? I've never lived in Washington, I have 4 boys, only been married once, I grew up in Utah ect. I could tell that a little bit of doubt was in his voice when he asked me for my address, he had the same address. He asked me my job, I told him I'm a mom and haven't worked since my oldest was born back when I was 22. I told him I went to college at Utah State in Elementary Ed. He's like ok, casually asking if the state of Nevada has contacted me yet, then asked my birthday which didn't match. So he's started to apoligize "if" he is wrong but he would need proof like my SSN. I agreed with him that it wasn't a good idea giving out that info over the phone so he gave me a fax number so I could fax him my drivers license. I took down the number and being pretty upset I just wanted to end this so I went upstairs to fax a copy of my proof. Only when I fax it off someone answers so I call the fax # to let Steve know he gave me the wrong number only it's not Steve. So since he called from unknown I have no way to call and get the right fax number. In the meantime my real kids are walking home from school when it's 97 degrees out because, for some reason, I didn't realize what time it was. They only made it to kids-r-kids but their faces were pretty red. Hey at least they have a mom, somewhere in Washington some little boy named Nicholas has some dead-beat mom who obviously doesn't want anything to do with him. I really feel sad for him and hope they find her but she is not me.

Friday, May 30, 2008

an "a" yeah!

While making Brennen head to the "ditch"(panguitch) for memorial day he informed me that he had a science essay & project due when he got back to school. He wrote the essay and after getting home @ 9:30 monday night this is what I threw together. I know. I'ts pretty good, so good that he got an A and the teacher kept it. (check out the baby spotted owls in the tree) My first A in a Biology Honors class. Go Me!!! (got to give granny credit for harvesting the bark) Go Granny!!! And of course Brennen for writing the essay. Go Brennen!!! (even if he didn't use my great line about the spotted owls failure to adapt has lead to it being on the endangered list. Or Mike's that it is just good at hiding.)

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

in like a lion....out like a lamb?

We have had a lot going on so I'm going to quickly recap the spring...

Dillon played football. He was the best ball hiker ever!!!

Caden played Little League. His team is headed to the TOC (tournament of champions) keep you posted on how it goes.

Dustin is still swimming. Got his first cell phone today!!!

Brennen gets in Nintendo Power again!!!!

Jake meets Lance Armstrong, Wolfgang Puck and listens to an inpromptu Stevie Wonder show all in less than 4 days.

...and me, well I'm what keeps this show rolling!!! (I am anxiously awaiting my new blackberry pearl (red) that should be arriving in 2-4 business days)

Monday, May 19, 2008


Went to bed late only to be woken up in the night by dillon. Seems he has been bitten by a tummy virus. As I was heading up to survey the damages phase "2" hit, yep didn't make it to the toilet. So I got to shampoo carpets and now I'm going to have a nap.
Caden is heading on a field trip to the Grand Canyon in the morning hope he hasn't been bitten.

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

my luchadors

Hope all you mom's had a happy mother's day.

Jake was making his way home from Mexico and got in town at about 6:30ish sunday night so my boys had to take control. Dillon was so excited he woke me up before 7:00 to say happy mother's day. I told him "how about you let mom sleep in on mother's day." He agreed and 30 min later he and Caden came back with a whole lot of homemade cards (one was from Caden the rest Dillons, the plain white piece of paper pops up m-o-m)

They made their own breakfast and got ready for church on their own. It wasn't till we pulled up in the church parking lot that I noticed Caden had forgot to comb his hair.

After church they made lunch (spaghetti) and Dustin decided to make some homemade peanut butter cookies. It was prettty funny as he was hunting down the granulated sugar (had no idea what it was) and the brown sugar (he was confused because the package said cane sugar) but he did it and they were delish!!!

When Jake finally did make it home he brought presents....
can I just say Nacho Libre!!!

This is what we call Sunday Night Smackdown!!!!